Saturday 3 November 2012

Algae Eater

Siamese algae eaters, Crossocheilus siamensis, belong to the familyCyprinidae more commonly referred to as the carp family. These bottom-dwelling algae eaters are not to be confused with the Chinese algae eater or plecostomus, two other popular varieties of algae eaters among freshwater aquarium owners. The Siamese algae eater is indigenous to the main lands of Southeast Asia including the Mekong and Chao Phraya River Basins. They inhabit streams and rivers and will spread into flooded out lowland jungle areas of the Malay Peninsula during the rainy season. Siamese algae eater are a medium sized member of the carp family. These fish generally reach a maximum adult length of 6 inches in an aquarium setting. They have slender torpedo shaped bodies with transparent fins. These fish have silver color palettes with a single horizontal stripe beginning in front of their eyes and terminating at the base of the caudal fin. Siamese algae eaters have a double set of barbels. Barbles are a distinguishing characteristic of the carp family. Siamese algae eaters are also marketed under the aquarium trade names Indian algae eater, Siamese headbreather, sucker loach, sucking loach, and biforated carp.

Algae Eater

Algae Eater

Algae Eater

Algae Eater

Algae Eater

Algae Eater

Algae Eater

Algae Eater

Algae Eater

Algae Eater

Algae Eater

Algae Eater

Algae Eater

Algae Eater

Algae Eater

Algae Eater

Algae Eater

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