Wednesday 7 November 2012

Amur Pike

The body is elongated, covered with scales. Scales cover the cheeks, upper part of the operculum and the whole upper part of the head. Amur pike have finer scales in the lateral line scales 130-165, including 48-64 perforation. Mouth large, snout elongated, flattened from top to bottom, the lower jaw slightly protruding forward. In adult specimens the back is greenish-gray, the same color of the dorsal fin and upper lobe of caudal fin. The body of the bright black or brown spots, such as spots are available and on fins. The young Amur pike, dwell among coastal thickets, black spots on the body are absent or expressed very weakly. They have on the body sides a number of dark, oblique bands, making it barely visible among the vegetation. The Amur Pike differs from the Northern Pike by finer scales, and the fact that the head is more fully covered with scales. The Amur Pike does not reach the same size as the Northern Pike but can still reach a size that makes it an attractive target for anglers. The largest on record measured 115 cm and 20 kg (45 inches and 44 lbs). The main distinguishing feature is the skin pattern. Amur Pike are covered in dark spots; hence their other name - Black-spotted Pike. Amur pike reminds a hucho by its coloring. It has a bright black and brown stain on its sides, head, anal, tail and back fins. Its size is less, than ordinary pike size. Its maximum weight makes 16 kg. They grow rapidly, growing to 80 cm or more. In 3-6 years they are already mature at a length of 30-40 cm in average life expectancy 20 years. Coloring young pike, up to 30-35 cm, living in the coastal zone similar to Northern Pike, but in adult coloring is different. On the sides of the body and head with bright black and brown spots, such as spots are available on the anal, caudal and dorsal fins. By its coloring Amur pike a bit like trout.

Amur Pike

Amur Pike

Amur Pike

Amur Pike

Amur Pike

Amur Pike

Amur Pike

Amur Pike

Amur Pike

Amur Pike

Amur Pike

Amur Pike

Amur Pike

Amur Pike

Amur Pike

Amur Pike

Amur Pike

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